Friday, August 29, 2008

Time to Make "Sum" Money!

For three days the Pioneer Yearbook staff have hit the streets raising money to pay for this historical document called a yearbook that we work hard to create each year.

While many balk at paying $35 for such a book, those of us in yearbook-land understand that our public is getting quite the deal, for each book costs the staff approximately $95...yes, $60 more per book than what each of our customers pay.

Therefore, for the first two-to-three weeks of school, we raise money by selling ads to our local businesses. Many thanks to those who are supporting us!

Our other two fundraisers are the senior ad and the sale of the books. Yes, our goal is to raise $35,000-$40,000 between now and the end of November!

Now a thanks to a great staff who are working so hard...making money so that we can sit down and work on this book with that stress relieved.

Keep up the great work!

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