Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Too many deadlines!

On Thursday, we must work diligently to complete Deadline 2 Final Proofs and Deadline 3 Proofs. This is two test grades for you!

What if you do not get your pages completed? I will be here until 4:30 today...please make plans to stay and complete your deadline requirements.

Thanks for selling so many yearbooks and meeting your goal.

Upon submission of Deadline 3, you will have completed nearly tw0-thirds of this history book we are creating!

Thanks for you time and dedication!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Assignments!

Let's make more money! Please pick up your receipt booklet to sell yearbooks.

  • $35.00 each
  • $40.00 with name on the book
  • Price increases to $40 in December, with no option of having the name stamped on the book.

Please check the printout on the board and sign-up to check with the businesses who bought last year. We need to finalize business ad sales so that we can determine the final page count.

Which one of you would like to win a yearbook for selling the most yearbooks?

A Note of Caution...

Please...PLEASE...please, return senior folders to the box!

I am finding folders and text in places they should not be!

Thanks for your help with this!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Deadline One Is Gone!

Wow! The yearbook is nearly 1/4 completed! What an amazing group!

This is the earliest I have ever uploaded a deadline, and it's all thanks to you and your diligence in completing your pages.

Thank you! We need to celebrate. What do you think?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Your Diligence Has "Paid" Off!

Wow! I don't have the totals yet...will have by class on Friday...but I am so impressed with this group! Business ad sales have been grand!

This is going to be a great year!

Let's celebrate on Friday!

Thanks for being you!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Time to Make "Sum" Money!

For three days the Pioneer Yearbook staff have hit the streets raising money to pay for this historical document called a yearbook that we work hard to create each year.

While many balk at paying $35 for such a book, those of us in yearbook-land understand that our public is getting quite the deal, for each book costs the staff approximately $95...yes, $60 more per book than what each of our customers pay.

Therefore, for the first two-to-three weeks of school, we raise money by selling ads to our local businesses. Many thanks to those who are supporting us!

Our other two fundraisers are the senior ad and the sale of the books. Yes, our goal is to raise $35,000-$40,000 between now and the end of November!

Now a thanks to a great staff who are working so hard...making money so that we can sit down and work on this book with that stress relieved.

Keep up the great work!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ladders You Can't Climb

Just a reminder...before Wednesday, complete the ladder and determine if the Fabulous Formula was utilized within last year's book.

Day 1 Reflection Time: Take a moment to ponder...why in yearbook jargon would they use the term ladder to refer to such a document as the one you are completing? It does not look like a ladder, nor would I trust that piece of paper to hold me up!

So why? Why call it a ladder?

Let's discuss this during class next time...shall we?

Also....I am really looking forward to working with each of you as we develop this "new creation"!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Attention, Seniors!

Have you had your senior composite taken at Matthew's Photography? Yes? Thanks so much!

If you have not had your pic taken, please call 698-1566...asap! Deadline has been extended to August 22. Thanks!

Deadline to purchase a senior ad is Friday, Sept. 5. Forms/contracts are available in Mrs. Gillmore's room.

Congratulations upon becoming a senior!