Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Assignments!

Let's make more money! Please pick up your receipt booklet to sell yearbooks.

  • $35.00 each
  • $40.00 with name on the book
  • Price increases to $40 in December, with no option of having the name stamped on the book.

Please check the printout on the board and sign-up to check with the businesses who bought last year. We need to finalize business ad sales so that we can determine the final page count.

Which one of you would like to win a yearbook for selling the most yearbooks?

A Note of Caution...

Please...PLEASE...please, return senior folders to the box!

I am finding folders and text in places they should not be!

Thanks for your help with this!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Deadline One Is Gone!

Wow! The yearbook is nearly 1/4 completed! What an amazing group!

This is the earliest I have ever uploaded a deadline, and it's all thanks to you and your diligence in completing your pages.

Thank you! We need to celebrate. What do you think?